The peacock is the bird of Victory and Kartikeya the leader of the divine forces.
Kartikeya represents victory over the hostile Powers.
The lower vital in most human
beings is full of grave defects and of movements that respond to hostile forces. A constant psychic opening, a
persistent rejection of these influences, a separation of oneself from all hostile suggestions and the inflow of
the calm, light, peace, purity, of the Mother's power would eventually free the system from the siege.
What is needed is to be quiet and more quiet, to look on these influences as something not yourself which has intruded,
to separate yourself from it and deny it and to abide in a quiet confidence in the Divine Power. If your psychic
being asks for the Divine and your mind is sincere and calls for liberation from the lower nature and from all
hostile forces and if you call the Mother's power into your heart and rely upon it more than on your own strength,
this siege will in the end be driven away from you and strength and peace take its place.