The lion with Durga on it is the symbol of the Divine Consciousness acting through
a divinised physical-vital and vital-emotional force. The lion is the attribute of the Goddess Durga, the conquering and protecting aspect of the Universal
One must not be distressed or depressed by perceiving the weaknesses inherent in human nature and the difficulty
of getting them out. The difficulty is natural, for they have been there for thousands of lives and are the very
nature of man's vital and mental ignorance. It is not surprising that they should have a power to stick and take
time to disappear. But there is a true being and a true consciousness that is there in us hidden by the surface
formations of nature and which can shake them off once it emerges. By taking the right attitude of selfless devotion
within and persisting in it in spite of the surface nature's troublesome self-repetitions one enables this inner
being and consciousness to emerge and with the Mother's Force working in it deliver the being from all return of
the movements of the old nature.
An ideal is their leader and their king:
Aspiring to the monarchy of the sun
They call in Truth for their high government,
Hold her incarnate in their daily acts
And fill their thoughts with her inspired voice
And shape their lives into her breathing form,
Till in her sun-gold godhead they too share.