Aeroplane, ship and train are always symbols of rapid progress, or forward movement.
The most important thing for you is to develop the psychic fire in the heart and the aspiration
for the psychic being to come forward as the leader of the sadhana. When the psychic does so, it will show you
the "undetected ego-knots" and loosen them or burn them in the psychic fire. This psychic development
and the psychic change of mind, vital and physical consciousness is of the utmost importance because it makes safe
and easy the descent of the higher consciousness and the spiritual transformation without which the supramental
must always remain far distant. Powers, etc. have their place, but a very minor one so long as this is not done.
The psychic being emerges slowly in most men, even after taking up sadhana. There is so much in the mind and vital that has to change and readjust itself before the psychic can be entirely free. One has to wait till the necessary process has gone far enough before it can burst its agelong veil and come in front to control the nature. It is true that nothing can give so much inner happiness and joy, though peace can come by the mental and vital liberation or through the growth of a strong samata (equality) in the being.
This too must now be overpassed and left,
As all must be until the Highest is gained
In whom the world and self grow true and one:
Till that is reached our journeying cannot cease.
Always a nameless goal beckons beyond,
Always ascends the zigzag of the gods
And upward points the spirit's climbing fire.