Once I happened to dream getting blows on my face. When I woke up the next morning I had a red mark in the same place, on
the forehead and the cheek... Inevitably, a wound received in the vital being is translated in the physical body.If
you receive a blow in the vital, the body suffers the consequence. More than half of our illnesses are the result
of blows of this kind, and this happens much oftener than one believes. Only, men are not conscious of their vital,
and as they are not conscious they don't know that fifty per cent of their illnesses are the result of what happens
in the vital: shocks, accidents, fighting, ill-will... Externally this is translated by an illness. If one knows
how it reacts on the physical, one goes to its source and can cure oneself in a few hours.
Man is shut up at present in his surface individual consciousness and knows the world (or rather the surface of it) only through his outward mind and senses and by interpreting their contacts with the world. By yoga there can open in him a consciousness which becomes one with that of the world; he becomes directly aware of a universal Being, universal states, universal Force and Power, universal Mind, Life, Matter and lives in conscious relations with these things. He is then said to have cosmic consciousness.
Unshephered by the fear that walks through Time,
Undaunted by Fate that dogs and Chance that springs,
She accepts disaster as a common risk;
Careless of suffering, heedless of sin and fall,
She wrestles with danger and discovery
In the unexplored expanses of the Soul.