The crimson colour is the light of Love in the vital and physical. Both purple and crimson are vital lights, but when seen above they represent the original forces of which the vital are the derivations.
bring the Divine Love and Beauty and Ananda into the world is, indeed, the whole crown and essence of our yoga.
But it has always seemed to me impossible unless there comes as its support and foundation and guard the Divine
Truth — what I call the supramental — and its Divine Power. Otherwise Love itself blinded
by the confusions of this present consciousness may stumble in its human receptacles and, even otherwise, may find
itself unrecognised, rejected or rapidly degenerating and lost in the frailty of man's inferior nature. But when
it comes in the divine truth and power, Divine Love descends first as something transcendent and universal and
out of that transcendence and universality it applies itself to persons according to the Divine Truth and Will,
creating a vaster, greater, purer personal love than any the human mind or heart can now imagine. It is when one
has felt this descent that one can be really an instrument for the birth and action of the Divine Love in the world.
In all her acts a strange divinity shone:
Into a simplest movement she could bring
A oneness with earth's glowing robe of light,
A lifting up of common acts by love.