The cross indicates the triple Divine (transcendent, universal, individual).
are three ways of being of the Mother of which you can become aware when you enter into touch of oneness with the
Conscious Force that upholds us and the universe. Transcendent, the original supreme Shakti, she stands above the
worlds and links the creation to the ever unmanifest mystery of the Supreme. Universal, the cosmic Mahashakti,
she creates all these beings and contains and enters, supports and conducts all these million processes and forces.
Individual, she embodies the power of these two vaster ways of her existence, makes them living and near to us
and mediates between the human personality and the divine Nature.
For the soul there are three realisations: -
(1) the realisation of the psychic being and consciousness as the divine element in the evolution; (2) the realisation
of the cosmic Self which is one in all; (3) the realisation of the Supreme Divine from which both individual and
cosmos have come and of the individual being (Jivatma) as an eternal portion of the Divine.
All that represses our fallen consciousness
Was taken from him like a forgotten load:
A fire that seemed the body of a god
Consumed the limiting figures of the past
And made large room for a new self to live.
Eternity's contact broke the moulds of sense.
A greater force than the earthly held his limbs,
Huge workings bared his undiscovered sheaths,
Strange energies wrought and screened tremendous hands
Unwound the triple cord of mind and freed
The heavenly wideness of a Godhead's gaze.