All sleep is full of dreams. These dreams are not all mere dreams, all have not
a casual, incoherent or subconscious building. Many are records or transcripts of experiences on the vital plane
into which one enters
in sleep, some are scenes or events of the subtle physical plane. There one often undergoes happenings or carries
on actions that resemble those of the physical life with the same surroundings and the same people, though usually
there is in arrangement and feature some or a considerable difference. But it may also be a contact with other
surroundings and with other people, not known in the physical life or not belonging at all to the physical world.
Those dreams which are formed from the subconscient impressions arranged at haphazard (subconscient mind, vital
or physical) either have no significance or some meaning which is difficult to find and not very much worth knowing
even if it is found. Other dreams are either simply happenings of the mental, vital or subtle physical worlds or
else belong to the wider mental, vital or subtle physical planes and have a meaning which the figures of the dream
are trying to communicate.
There came the gift of a revealing hour:
He saw through depths that reinterpret all,
Limited not now by the dull body's eyes,
New-found through an arch of clear discovery,
This intimation of the world's delight,
This wonder of the divine Artist's make
Carved like a nectar-cup for thirsty gods,
This breathing Scripture of the Eternal's joy,
This net of sweetness woven of aureate fire.
Transformed the delicate image-face became
A deeper Nature's self-revealing sign,
A gold-leaf palimpsest of sacred births,
A grave world-symbol chiselled out of life.