The ears signify usually the place of inspired knowledge or of inspired expression.
It is dangerous to think of giving up "all barrier of discrimination and defence against what is trying to
descend" upon you. Have you thought what this would mean if what is descending is something not in consonance
with the divine Truth, perhaps even adverse? An adverse Power would ask no better condition for getting control
over the seeker. It is only the Mother's force and the divine Truth that one should admit without barriers. And
even there one must keep the power of discernment in order to detect anything false that comes masquerading as
the Mother's force and the divine Truth, and keep too the power of rejection that will throw away all mixture.
Keep faith in your spiritual destiny, draw back from error and open more the psychic being to the direct guidance
of the Mother's light and power. If the central will is sincere, each recognition of a mistake can become a stepping-stone
to a truer movement and a higher progress.