The night is the symbol of the Ignorance or Avidya in which men live.
One has not to cure oneself of one's sensitiveness, but only acquire
the power to rise to a higher consciousness taking such disenchantments as a sort of jumping-board. One way is
not to expect even square dealings from others, no matter who the others are. And besides, it is good to have such
experiences of the real nature of some people to which a generous nature is often blind; for that helps the growth
of one's consciousness. The blow you wince at seems to you so hard because it is a blow the world of your mental
formation has sustained. Such a world often becomes a part of our being. The result is that a blow dealt to it
gives almost physical pain. The great compensation is that it makes you live more and more in the real world in
contradiction to the world of your imagination which is what you would like the real world to be. But the real
world is not all that could be desired, you know, and that is why it has to be acted upon and transformed by the
Divine Consciousness. But for that, Knowledge of the reality, however unpalatable, is almost the first requisite.
This knowledge often enough is best brought home to us through blows and bleedings. True, idealistic people, sensitive
people, refined natures smart under such disillusionments more than do others who are somewhat thick-skinned, but
that is no reason why fine feelings should be deprecated and the keen edge of fine susceptibilities be blunted.