The physical is not the only world; there are others that we become aware of
through dream records, through the
subtle senses, through influences and contacts, through imagination, intuition and vision. There are worlds of
a larger subtler life than ours, vital worlds; worlds in which Mind builds its own forms and figures, mental worlds;
psychic worlds which are the soul's home; others above with which we have little contact. In each of us there is
a mental plane of consciousness, a psychic, a vital, a subtle physical as well as the gross physical and material
plane. The same planes are repeated in the consciousness of general Nature. It is when we enter or contact these
other planes that we come into connection with the worlds above the physical. In sleep we leave the physical body,
only a subconscious residue remaining, and enter all planes and all sorts of worlds. In each we see scenes, meet
beings, share in happenings, come across formations, influences suggestions which belong to these planes. Even
when we are awake, part of us moves in these planes, but their activity goes on behind the veil; our waking mind
is not aware of it. Dreams are often only incoherent constructions of our subconscient, but others are records
(often much mixed and distorted) or transcripts of experiences in these supraphysical planes. When we do sadhana
this kind of dream becomes very common, then subconscious dreams cease to predominate.