The pyramid is usually a symbol of aspiration.
The goal
of yoga is always hard to reach, but this one is more difficult than any other, and it is only for those who have
the call, the capacity, the willingness to face everything and every risk, even the risk of failure, and the will
to progress towards an entire selflessness, desirelessness and surrender.
This yoga implies not only the realisation of God, but an entire consecration and change of the inner and outer life till it is fit to manifest a divine consciousness and become part of a divine work. This means an inner discipline far more exacting and difficult than mere ethical and physical austerities. One must not enter on this path, far vaster and more arduous than most ways of yoga, unless one is sure of the psychic call and one's readiness to go through to the end.
For those who have within a sincere call for the Divine, however the mind or vital may present difficulties or attacks come or the progress be slow and painful, — even if they fall back or fall away from the path for a time, the psychic always prevails in the end and the Divine Help proves effective. Trust in that and persevere — then the goal is sure.