Inner vision is vivid like actual sight, always precise and contains a truth
in it. People value visions for one thing
because they are one key (there are others) to contact with the other worlds or with the inner worlds and all that
is there and these are regions of immense riches which far surpass the physical plane as it is at present. One
enters into a larger freer self and a larger more plastic world; of course individual visions only give a contact,
not an actual entrance, but the power of vision accompanied with the power of other subtle senses (hearing, touch,
etc.) as it expands does give this entrance. These things have not the effect of a mere imagination (as a poet's
or artist's, though that can be strong enough) but if fully followed out bring a constant growth of the being and
the consciousness and its richness of experience and its scope. People also value the power of vision for a greater
reason than that: it can give a first contact with the Divine in his forms and powers; it can be the opening of
a communion with the Divine, of the hearing of the Voice that guides, of the Presence as well as the Image in the
heart, of many other things that bring what man seeks through religion or yoga.