The psychical consciousness, as it develops, makes us aware of the great mass
of thoughts, feelings, suggestions, wills, impacts, influences of all kinds that we are receiving from others or sending to others or imbibing from and
throwing into the general mind atmosphere around us. As it evolves in power, precision and clearness, we are able
to trace these to their source or feel immediately their origin and transit to us and direct consciously and with
an intelligent will our own messages. It becomes possible to be aware, more or less accurately and discerningly,
of the activities of minds whether near to us physically or at a distance, to understand, feel or identify ourselves
with their temperament, character, thoughts, feelings, reactions, whether by a psychic sense or a direct mental
perception or by a very sensible and often intensely concrete reception of them into our mind or on its recording
surface. At the same time, we can consciously make at least the inner selves and, if they are sufficiently sensitive,
the surface minds of others aware of our own inner mental or psychic self and plastic to its thoughts, suggestions,
influences or even cast it or its active image in influence into their subjective, even into their vital and physical
being to work there as a helping or moulding or dominating power and presence.
In beings it knew what lurked to them unknown;
It seized the idea in the mind, the wish in the heart;
It plucked out from grey folds of secrecy
The motives which from their own sight men hide.