The ordinary method is the opening up of the chakras by the physical processes
of Hathayoga (of which
something is also included in
the Rajayoga) or by the methods of the Tantric discipline. But while these may be optionally used at certain stages
by the integral Yoga, they are not indispensable; for here the reliance is on the power of the higher being
to change the lower existence, a working is chosen mainly from above downward and not the opposite way, and therefore
the development of the superior power of the gnosis will be awaited as the instrumentative change in this part
of the Yoga.
In our yoga there is no willed opening of the chakras, they open of themselves by the descent of the Force.
All underwent a high celestial change:
Breaking the black Inconscient’s blind mute wall,
Effacing the circles of the Ignorance,
Powers and divinities burst flaming forth;
Each part of the being trembling with delight
Lay overwhelmed with tides of happiness
And saw her hand in every circumstance
And felt her touch in every limb and cell.
In the country of the lotus of the head
Which thinking mind has made its busy space,
In the castle of the lotus twixt the brows
Whence it shoots the arrows of its sight and will,
In the passage of the lotus of the throat
Where speech must rise and the expressing mind
And the heart’s impulse run towards word and act,
A glad uplift and a new working came.