The manifestation of the Being in our universe takes the shape of an involution
which is the starting-point of an evolution, — Matter the nethermost stage, Spirit the summit. In the descent into involution there can be distinguished seven
principles of manifested being, seven gradations of the manifesting Consciousness of which we can get a perception
or a concrete realisation of their presence and immanence here or a reflected experience. The first three are the
original and fundamental principles and they form universal states of consciousness to which we can rise; when
we do so, we can become aware of supreme planes or levels of fundamental manifestation or self-formulation of the
spiritual reality in which is put in front the unity of the Divine Existence, the power of the Divine Consciousness,
the bliss of the Divine Delight of existence, – not concealed or disguised as here, for we can possess them in
their full independent reality. A fourth principle of supramental Truth-Consciousness is associated with them;
manifesting unity in infinite multiplicity, it is the characteristic power of self-determination of the Infinite.
This quadruple power of the supreme existence, consciousness and delight constitutes an upper hemisphere of manifestation
based on the Spirit’s eternal self-knowledge... The other three powers and planes of being of which we are even
at present aware form a lower hemisphere of the manifestation, a hemisphere of Mind, Life and Matter. These are
in themselves powers of the superior principles; but wherever they manifest in a separation from their spiritual
sources, they undergo as a result a phenomenal lapse... oblivious of all that is behind it and of the underlying
unity, a state therefore of cosmic and individual Ignorance.
A slow reversal's movement then took place:
A gas belched out from some invisible Fire,
Of its dense rings were formed these million stars;
Upon earth's new-born soil God's tread was heard.