There are, however, two different kinds of action of these inner ranges of the
consciousness. The first is a more outer and confused activityof the awakening subliminal mind and life which is clogged with and subject to the grosser
desires and illusions of the mind and vital being and vitiated in spite of its wider range of experience and power
and capacities by an enormous mass of error and deformations of the will and knowledge, full of false suggestions
and images, false and distorted intuitions and inspirations and impulses, the latter often even depraved and perverse,
and vitiated too by the interference of the physical mind and its obscurities. This is an inferior activity to
which clairvoyants, psychists, spiritists, occultists, seekers of powers and Siddhis are very liable and to which
all the warnings against the dangers and errors of this kind of seeking are more especially applicable. The seeker
of spiritual perfection has to pass as quickly as possible, if he cannot altogether avoid, this zone of danger,
and the safe rule here is to be attached to none of these things, but to make spiritual progress one’s sole real
objective and to put no sure confidence in other things until the mind and life soul are purified...
Incalculable are her strength and ruse,
Her touch is a fascination and a death;
She kills her victim with his own delight;
Even Good she makes a hook to drag to Hell.