It is a common error to suppose that action is impossible or at least meaningless
without desire. If desire ceases, we are told, action also must cease.But this, like other too simply comprehensive generalisations,
is more attractive to the cutting and defining mind than true. The major part of the work done in the universe
is accomplished without any interference of desire; it proceeds by the calm necessity and spontaneous law of Nature.
Even man constantly does work of various kinds by a spontaneous impulse, intuition, instinct or acts in obedience
to a natural necessity and law of forces without either mental planning or the urge of a conscious vital volition
or emotional desire. Often enough his act is contrary to his intention or his desire; it proceeds out of him in
subjection to a need or compulsion, in submission to an impulse, in obedience to a force in him that pushes for
self-expression or in conscious pursuance of a higher principle.
Impervious to desire and doom and hope,
Their station of inviolable might
Moveless upholds the world's enormous task,
Its ignorance is by their knowledge lit,
Its yearning lasts by their indifference.