Behind this petty instrumental action of the human will there is something vast
and powerful and eternal that oversees the trend of the inclination and presses on the turn of the will. There is a total Truth in Nature greater than our
individual choice. And in this total Truth, or even beyond and behind it, there is something that determines all
results; its presence and secret knowledge keep up steadily in the process of Nature, a dynamic, almost automatic
perception of the right relations, the varying or persistent necessities, the inevitable steps of the movement.
There is a secret divine Will, eternal and infinite, omniscient and omnipotent, that expresses itself in the universality
and in each particular of all these apparently temporal and finite inconscient or half-conscient things...
This divine Will is not an alien Power or Presence; it is intimate to us and we ourselves are part of it: for it is our own highest Self that possesses and supports it. Only, it is not our conscious mental will; it rejects often enough what our conscious will accepts and accepts what our conscious will rejects. For while this secret One knows all and every whole and each detail, our surface mind knows only a little part of things. Our will is conscious in the mind, and what it knows, it knows by the thought only; the divine Will is superconscious to us because it is in its essence supramental, and it knows all because it is all... If we surrender our conscious will and allow it to be made one with the will of the Eternal, then and then only, shall we attain to a true freedom; living in the divine liberty, we shall no longer cling to this shackled so-called free-will, a puppet freedom ignorant, illusory, relative, bound to the error of its own inadequate vital motives and mental figures.
Then miracle is made the common rule,
One mighty deed can change the course of things;
A lonely thought becomes omnipotent.