After we have entered the path, he envelops us with his wide and mighty liberating
Impersonality or moves near to us
with the face and form of a personal Godhead.In and around us we feel a Power that upholds and protects and cherishes;
we hear a Voice that guides; a conscious Will greater than ourselves rules us; an imperative Force moves our thought
and actions and our very body; an ever-widening Consciousness assimilates ours, a living Light of Knowledge lights
all within, or a Beatitude invades us; a Mightiness presses from above, concrete, massive and overpowering, and
penetrates and pours itself into the very stuff of our nature; a Peace sits there, a Light, a Bliss, a Strength,
a Greatness. Or there are relations, personal, intimate as life itself, sweet as love, encompassing like the sky,
deep like deep waters. A Friend walks at our side; a Lover is with us in our heart’s secrecy; a Master of the Work
and the Ordeal points our way; a Creator of things uses us as his instrument; we are in the arms of the eternal
Mother. All these more seizable aspects in which the Ineffable meets us are truths and not mere helpful symbols
or useful imaginations; but as we progress, their first imperfect formulations in our experience yield to a larger
vision of the one Truth that is behind them. At each step their mere mental masks are shed and they acquire a larger,
a profounder, a more intimate significance.
A fire has come and touched men's hearts and gone;
A few have caught flame and risen to greater life.