Divinisation itself does not mean the destruction of the human elements; it means
taking them up, showing them the way to their own perfection, raising them by purification and perfection to their full power and Ananda and that means the
raising of the whole of earthly life to its full power and Ananda.
The mere idea or intellectual seeking of something higher beyond, however strongly grasped by the mind’s interest,
is ineffective unless it is seized on by the heart as the one thing desirable and by the will as the one thing
to be done. For truth of the Spirit has not to be merely thought but to be lived, and to live it demands a unified
single-mindedness of the being; so great a change as is contemplated by the Yoga is not to be effected by a divided
will or by a small portion of the energy or by a hesitating mind. He who seeks the Divine must consecrate himself
to God and to God only.
All our nature must make an integral surrender; it must offer itself in every part and every movement to that which seems to the unregenerated sense-mind so much less real than the material world and its objects. Our whole being — soul, mind, sense, heart, will, life, body — must consecrate all its energies so entirely and in such a way that it shall become a fit vehicle for the Divine. This is no easy task; for everything in the world follows the fixed habit which is to it a law and resists a radical change. And no change can be more radical than the revolution attempted in the integral Yoga.
All grace and glory and all divinity
Were here collected in a single form;
All worshipped eyes looked through his from one face;
He bore all godheads in his grandiose limbs.