The first principle of true teaching is that nothing can be taught.The teacher is not an instructor or task-master, he is a helper
and a guide. His business is to suggest and not to impose. He does not actually train the pupil's mind, he only
shows him how to perfect his instruments of knowledge and helps and encourages him in the process. He does not
impart knowledge to him, he shows him how to acquire knowledge for himself. He does not call forth the knowledge
that is within; he only shows where it lies and how it can be habituated to rise to the surface. The distinction
that reserves this principle for the teaching of adolescent and adult minds and denies its application to the child,
is a conservative and unintelligent doctrine. Child or man, boy or girl, there is only one sound principle of good
teaching. Difference of age only serves to diminish or increase the amount of help and guidance necessary; it does
not change its nature.
Communicates without means the unspoken thought;
It moves events by its bare silent will,
Acts at a distance without hands or feet.
This giant Ignorance, this dwarfish Life
It can illumine with a prophet sight.