The nature of the ego is a self-limitation of consciousness by a willed ignorance
of the rest of its play and its exclusive absorption in one form, one combination of tendencies, one field of the movement of energies.
Ego is the factor which determines the reactions of error, sorrow, pain, evil, death; for it gives these values
to movements which would otherwise be represented in their right relation to the one Existence, Bliss, Truth, Good.
By recovering the right relation we may eliminate the ego-determined reactions, reducing them eventually to their
true values; and this recovery can be effected by the right participation of the individual in the consciousness
of the totality and in the consciousness of the transcendent which the totality represents.
An animal in the instinctive herd
Pushed by life impulses, forced by common needs,
Each in his own kind saw his ego's glass;
All served the aim and action of the pack.
Those like himself, by blood or custom kin,
To him were parts of his life, his adjunct selves,
His personal nebula's constituent stars,
Satellite companions of his solar I.