Is the seat of various feelings, such as love, joy, sorrow, hatred and the rest.
is in front in men a heart of vital emotion similar to the animal’s, if more variously developed; its emotions
are governed by egoistic passion, blind instinctive affections and all the play of the life-impulses with their
imperfections, perversions, often sordid degradations, — heart
besieged and given over to the lusts, desires, wraths, intense or fierce demands or little greeds and mean pettinesses
of an obscure and fallen life-force and debased by its slavery to any and every impulse. This mixture of the emotive
heart and the sensational hungering vital creates in man a false soul of desire; it is this that is the crude and
dangerous element which the reason rightly distrusts and feels a need to control, even though the actual control
or rather coercion it succeeds in establishing over our raw and insistent vital nature remains always very uncertain
and deceptive.
When one leaves the outer consciousness and goes inside, it is here that one enters — some or most entering into the inner vital first, others into the inner mental or inner
physical; the emotional vital is the most direct road, for the seat of the psychic is just behind the emotional
in the heart-centre. It is absolutely necessary for our purpose that one should become conscious in these inner
regions, for if they are not awake, then the psychic being has no proper and sufficient instrumentation for its
activities; it has then only the outer mind, outer vital and body for its means and these are too small and narrow
and obscure.
Hard is to persuade earth-nature's change;
Mortality bears ill the eternal's touch:
It fears the pure divine intolerance
Of that assault of ether and of fire.