Each thing in Nature, whether animate or inanimate, mentally self-conscious or
not self-conscious, is governed
in its being and in its operations by an indwelling Vision and Power, to us subconscient or inconscient because
we are not conscious of it, but not inconscient to itself, rather profoundly and universally conscient. Therefore
each thing seems to do the work of intelligence, even without possessing intelligence, because it obeys, whether
subconsciously as in the plant and animal or half-consciously as in man, the real-idea of the divine Supermind
within it. But it is not a mental Intelligence that informs and governs all things; it is a self-aware Truth of
being in which self-knowledge is inseparable from self-existence: it is this Truth-Consciousness which has not
to think out things but works them out with knowledge according to the impeccable self-vision and the inevitable
force of a sole and self-fulfilling Existence. Mental intelligence thinks out because it is merely a reflecting
force of consciousness which does not know, but seeks to know; it follows in Time step by step the working of a
knowledge higher than itself, a knowledge that exists always, one and whole, that holds Time in its grasp, that
sees past, present and future in a single regard.
All the world's values changed heightening life's aim;
A wiser word, a larger thought came in
Than what the slow labour of human mind can bring,
A secret sense awoke that could perceive
A Presence and a Greatness everywhere.