A man becomes a leader of men or eminent in a large or lesser circle and feels
himself full of a power
that he knows to be beyond his own ego-Force; he may be aware of a Fate acting through him or a Will mysterious
and unfathomable or a Light within of great brilliance. There are extraordinary results of his thoughts, his actions
or his creative genius. He effects some tremendous destruction that clears the path for humanity or some great
construction that becomes its momentary resting-place. He is a scourge or he is a bringer of light and healing,
a creator of beauty or a messenger of knowledge. Or, if his work and its effects are on a lesser scale and have
a limited field, still they are attended by the strong sense that he is an instrument and chosen for his mission
or his labour. Men who have this destiny and these powers come easily to believe and declare themselves to be mere
instruments in the hands of God or of Fate: but even in the declaration we can see that there can intrude or take
refugee an intenser and more exaggerated egoism than ordinary men have the courage to assert or the strength to
house within them. And often if men of this kind speak of God, it is to erect an image of him which is really nothing
but a huge shadow of themselves or their own nature, a sustaining Deific Essence of their own type of will and
thought and quality and force. This magnified image of their ego is the Master whom they serve. This happens only
too often in Yoga to strong but crude vital natures or minds too easily exalted when they allow ambition, pride
or the desire of greatness to enter into their spiritual seeking and vitiate its purity of motive; a magnified
ego stands between them and their true being and grasps for its own personal purpose the strength from a greater
unseen Power, divine or undivine, acting through them of which they become vaguely or intensely aware.
Then he could see the hidden heart of Night:
The labour of its stark unconsciousness
Revealed the endless terrible Inane.
A spiritless blank Infinity was there;
A Nature that denied the eternal Truth
In the vain braggart freedom of its thought
Hoped to abolish God and reign alone.