This little mind, vital and body which we call ourselves is only a surface movement and not our self
at all. It is an external bit of personality put forward for one brief life, for the play of the Ignorance. It
is equipped with an ignorant mind stumbling about in search of fragments of truth, an ignorant vital rushing about
in search of fragments of pleasure, an obscure and mostly subconscious physical receiving the impacts of things
and suffering rather than possessing a resultant pain or pleasure. All that is accepted until the mind gets disgusted
and starts looking about for the real Truth of itself and things, the vital gets disgusted and begins wondering
whether there is not such a thing as real bliss and the physical gets tired and wants liberation from itself and
its pains and pleasures. Then it is possible for the little ignorant bit of personality to get back to its real
Self and with it to these greater things or else
to extinction of itself, Nirvana.
A power is in thee that thou knowest not;
Thou art a vessel of the imprisoned spark.
It seeks relief from Time's envelopment,
And while thou shutst it in, the seal is pain:
Bliss is the Godhead's crown, eternal, free.