The fall of man is his deviation from the full and pure acceptance of God and
himself, or rather of God in himself,
into a dividing consciousness which brings with it all the train of the dualities, life and death, good and evil,
joy and pain, completeness and want, the fruit of the divided being. This is the fruit which Adam and Eve, Purusha
and Prakriti, the soul tempted by Nature, have eaten. The redemption comes by the recovery of the universal in
the individual and of the spiritual term in the physical consciousness. Then alone the soul in Nature can be allowed
to partake of the fruit of the tree of life and be as the Divine and live for ever.
One who fears monotony and wants something new would not be able to do yoga or at least this yoga which needs an inexhaustible perseverance and patience. The fear of death shows a vital weakness which is also contrary to a capacity for yoga. Equally, one who is under the domination of his passions, would find the yoga difficult and, unless supported by a true inner call and a sincere and strong aspiration for the spiritual consciousness and union with the Divine, might very easily fall fatally and his effort come to nothing.
Then by the Angel of the Vigil Tower
A name is struck from the recording book;
A flame that sang in Heaven sinks quenched and mute,
In ruin ends the epic of a soul.
This is the tragedy of the inner death
When forfeited is the divine element
And only a mind and body live to die.