These are the forces and beings that are interested in maintaining the falsehoods
theyhave created in
the world of the Ignorance and in putting them forward as the Truth which men must follow. In India they are termed
Asuras, Rakshasas, Pishachas who are in opposition to the Gods, the Powers of Light. These too are Powers, for
they too have their cosmic field in which they exercise their function and authority and some of them were once
divine Powers who have fallen towards the darkness by revolt against the divine Will behind the cosmos.
Be it well noted, with the error of the Asura, the Titan, who lives in his own inordinately magnified shadow, mistakes ego for the self and spirit and tries to impose his fragmentary personality as the one dominant existence upon all his surroundings.
Some kinds of Asuras are very religious, very fanatical about their religion, very strict about rules of ethical conduct. Others of course are just the opposite. There are others who use spiritual ideas without believing in them...
The Asura and Rakshasa hold this evolving earthly nature and have to be met and conquered on their own terms in their own long-conquered fief and province. They are powerful in a world of ignorance for they have only to persuade people to follow the established bent of their lower nature, while the Divine always calls for a change of nature.
No wandering ray of heaven can enter there.
Armoured, protected by their lethal masks,
As in a studio of creative Death
The giant sons of Darkness sit and plan
The drama of the earth, their tragic stage.
All who would raise the fallen world must come
Under the dangerous arches of their power.
None can reach heaven who has not passed through hell.