For even before complete purification, if the strings of the egoistic heart and
mindare already sufficiently
frayed and loosened, the Jiva can by a sudden snapping of the main cords escape, ascending like a bird freed into
the spaces or widening like a liberated flood into the One and Infinite. There is first a sudden sense of a cosmic
consciousness, a casting of oneself into the universal; from the universality one can aspire more easily, aspire
to the Transcendent. There is a pushing back and rending or a rushing down of the walls that imprisoned our conscious
being; there is a loss of all sense of individuality and personality, of all placement in Space or Time or action
and law of Nature; there is no longer an ego, a person definite and definable, but only consciousness, only existence,
only peace and bliss; one becomes immortality, becomes eternity, becomes infinity. All that is left of the personal
soul is a hymn of peace and freedom and bliss vibrating somewhere in the Eternal.
Hushed was the futile din of human toil,
Forsaken wheeled the circle of the days;
In distance sank the crowded tramp of life.
The Silence was his sole companion left.
Impassive he lived immune from earthly hopes,
A figure in the ineffable Witness shrine.