The Gods are in origin and essence permanent Emanations of the Divine put forth
from the Supreme by the Transcendent Mother, the Adya Shakti; in their cosmic action they are Powers and Personalities of the Divine each with his
independent cosmic standing, function and work in the universe.
It is necessary for man to conceive God in his own image or in some form that is beyond himself but consonant with
his highest tendencies and seizable by his feelings or his intelligence. Otherwise it would be difficult for him
to come into contact and communion with the Divine.
This call is satisfied by the Divine manifest in a human appearance, the Incarnation, the Avatar — Krishna, Christ, Buddha.
The Sadhaka of the integral Yoga makes use of all these aids according to his nature; but it is necessary that he should shun their limitations and cast from himself that exclusive tendency of egoistic mind which cries, “My God, my Incarnation, my Prophet, my Guru,” and opposes it to all other realisation in a sectarian or a fanatical spirit.
The aim of these external aids is to awaken his soul to the Divine within him. Nothing has been finally accomplished if that has not been accomplished. It is not sufficient to worship Krishna, Christ or Buddha without, if there is not the revealing and the formation of the Buddha, the Christ or Krishna in ourselves.
A might is with her that makes wonders true;
The incredible is her stuff of common fact.
Her purposes, her workings riddles prove;
Examined, they grow other than they were,
Explained, they seem yet more inexplicable.