For good is all that helps the individual and the world towards their divine
fullness, and evil is all
that retards or breaks up that increasing perfection. But since the perfection is progressive, evolutive in Time,
good and evil are also shifting quantities and change from time to time their meaning and value.
If we are to be free in the spirit, if we are to be subject only to the supreme Truth, we must discard the idea that our mental or moral laws are binding on the Infinite or that there can be anything sacrosanct, absolute or eternal even in the highest of our existing standards of conduct. To form higher and higher temporary standards as long as they are needed is to serve the Divine in his world march; to erect rigidly an absolute standard is to attempt the erection of a barrier against the eternal waters in their outflow. Once the nature-bound soul realises this truth, it is delivered from the duality of good and evil.
In the anomalies of the human heart
Where Good and Evil are close bed-fellows
And Light is by Darkness dogged at every step,
Where his largest knowledge is an ignorance,
I am the Power that labours towards the best
And works for God and looks up towards the heights.