As the crust of the outer nature cracks, as the walls of inner separation break
down, the inner light gets through,
the inner fire burns in the heart, the substance of the nature and the stuff of consciousness refine to a greater
subtlety and purity, and the deeper psychic experiences, those which are not solely of an inner mental or inner
vital character, become possible in this subtler, purer, finer substance; the soul begins to unveil itself, the
psychic personality reaches its full stature. The soul, the psychic entity, then manifests itself as the central
being which upholds mind and life and body and supports all the other powers and functions of the Spirit; it takes
up its greater function as the guide and ruler of the nature. A guidance, a governance begins from within which
exposes every movement to the light of Truth, repels what is false, obscure, opposed to the divine realisation:
every region of the being, every nook and corner of it, every movement, formation, direction, inclination of thought,
will, emotion, sensation, action, reaction, motive, disposition, propensity, desire, habit of the conscious or
subconscious physical, even the most concealed, camouflaged, mute, recondite, is lighted up with the unerring psychic
light, their confusions dissipated, their tangles disentangled, their obscurities, deceptions, self-deceptions
precisely indicated and removed; all is purified, set right, the whole nature harmonised, modulated in the psychic
key, put in spiritual order... As a final result the whole conscious being is made perfectly apt for spiritual
experience of every kind, turned towards spiritual truth of thought, feeling, sense, action...
A breath comes down from a supernal air,
A presence is borne, a guiding Light awakes,
A stillness falls upon the instruments:
Fixed sometimes like a marble monument,
Stone-calm, the body is a pedestal
Supporting a figure of eternal Peace.