As the supreme Shastra of the integral Yoga is the eternal Veda secret in the
heart of every man,so its supreme
Guide and Teacher is the inner Guide, the World-Teacher, jagad-guru, secret within us. It is he who destroys
our darkness by the resplendent light of his knowledge; that light becomes within us the increasing glory of his
own self-revelation. He discloses progressively in us his own nature of freedom, bliss, love, power, immortal being.
He sets above us his divine example as our ideal and transforms the lower existence into a reflection of that which
it contemplates. By the inpouring of his own influence and presence into us he enables the individual being to
attain to identity with the universal and transcendent.
What is his method and his system? He has no method and every method. His system is a natural organisation of the highest processes and movements of which the nature is capable. Applying themselves even to the pettiest details and to the actions the most insignificant in their appearance with as much care and thoroughness as to the greatest, they in the end lift all into the Light and transform all. For in his Yoga there is nothing too small to be used and nothing too great to be attempted. As the servant and disciple of the Master has no business with pride or egoism because all is done for him from above, so also he has no right to despond because of his personal deficiencies or the stumblings of his nature. For the Force that works in him is impersonal — or superpersonal — and infinite.
The full recognition of this inner Guide, Master of the Yoga, lord, light, enjoyer and goal of all sacrifice and effort, is of the utmost importance in the path of integral perfection.
A Light there is that leads, a Power that aids;
Unmarked, unfelt it sees in him and acts:
Ignorant, he forms the All-conscient in his depths,
Human, looks up to superhuman peaks:
A borrower of Supernature's gold,
He paves his road to Immortality.