The movement of Nature is twofold, higher and lower, or, as we may choose to
term it, divine
and undivine... for practical purposes, there is a real distinction. The lower Nature, that which we know and are
and must remain so long as the faith in us is not changed, acts through limitation and division, is of the nature
of Ignorance and culminates in the life of the ego; but the higher Nature, that to which we aspire, acts by unification
and transcendence of limitation, is of the nature of Knowledge and culminates in the life divine. The passage from
the lower to the higher is the aim of Yoga; and this passage may effect itself by the rejection of the lower and
escape into the higher, — the ordinary
view-point, — or by the transformation
of the lower and its elevation to the higher Nature. It is this, rather, that must be the aim of an integral Yoga.
It is a mistake to dwell too much on the lower nature and its obstacles, which is the negative side of the sadhana. They have to be seen and purified, but preoccupation with them as the one important thing is not helpful. The positive side of experience of the descent is the more important thing. If one waits for the lower nature to be purified entirely and for all time before calling down the positive experience, one might have to wait for ever. It is true that the more the lower nature is purified, the easier is the descent of the higher Nature, but it is also and more true that the more the higher Nature descends, the more the lower is purified.
The earth-nature bound in the sense-life's narrow make.
The hearts of men are amorous of clay-kin
And bear not spirits lone and high who bring
Fire-intimations from the deathless planes
Too vast for souls not born to mate with heaven.