The indispensable basis of our Yoga is sincerity, honesty, unselfishness, disinterested consecration to the work to be done,
nobility of character and straight forwardness. If you desire this transformation, put yourself in the hands of
the Mother and her Powers without cavil or resistance and let her do unhindered her work within you. Three things
you must have, consciousness, plasticity, unreserved surrender. For you must be conscious in your mind and soul
and heart and life and the very cells of your body, aware of the Mother and her Powers and their working; for although
she can and does work in you even in your obscurity and your unconscious parts and moments, it is not the same
thing as when you are in awakened and living communion with her.
Out of our thoughts we must leap up to sight,
Breathe her divine illimitable air,
Her simple vast supremacy confess,
Dare to surrender to her absolute.
Then the Unmanifest reflects his form
In the still mind as in a living glass;
The timeless Ray descends into our hearts
And we are rapt into eternity.