The Jiva... is the meeting place of the play of the dual aspect of the Divine,
Prakriti and Purusha, and
in the higher spiritual consciousness he becomes simultaneously one with both these aspects, and there he takes
up and combines all the divine relations created by their interaction.
All life, spiritual, mental or material, is the play of the soul with the possibilities of its nature; for without
this play there can be no self-expression and no relative self-experience... For the nature of the divine existence
is to possess always its unity, but to possess it also in an infinite experience, from many standpoints, on many
planes, through many conscious powers or selves of itself, individualities
— in our limited intellectual language
— of the one conscious being. Each one of us is one of these individualities.
A Spirit who is no one and innumerable,
The one mystic infinite Person of his world
Multiplies his myriad personality,
On all his bodies seals his divinity's stamp
And sits in each immortal and unique.