All these experiences are of the same nature and what applies to one applies to another. Apart from some experiences of a personal
character, the rest are either idea-truths, such as pour down into the consciousness from above when one gets into
touch with certain planes of being, or strong formations from the larger mental and vital worlds which, when one
is directly open to these worlds, rush in and want to use the sadhak for their fulfilment. These things, when they
pour down or come, present themselves with a great force, a vivid sense of inspiration or illumination, much sensation
of light and joy, an impression of widening and power. The sadhak feels himself freed from the normal limits, projected
into a wonderful new world of experience, filled and enlarged and exalted; what comes associates itself, besides,
with his aspirations, ambitions, notions of spiritual fulfilment and yogic siddhi; it is represented even as itself
that realisation and fulfilment. Very easily he is carried away by the splendours and the rush, and thinks that
he has realised more than he has truly done, something final or atleast something sovereignty true. At this stage
the necessary knowledge and experience are usually lacking which would tell him that this is only a very uncertain
and mixed beginning; he may not realise at once that he is still in the cosmic Ignorance, not in the cosmic Truth,
much less in the Transcendental Truth, and that whatever formative or dynamic idea-truths may have come down into
him are partial only and yet further diminished by their presentations to him by a still mixed consciousness.
Here in Life's nether realms all contraries meet;
Truth stares and does her work with bandaged eyes,
And Ignorance is Wisdom's patron here.