Suggestions are made, sometimes of romantic character, which flatter the importance of the sadhak or are agreeable to
his wishes and he accepts them without examination or discriminating control. Even what is true, is so exalted
or extended beyond its true pitch and limit and measure that it becomes the parent of error. This is a zone which
many sadhaks have to cross, in which many wonder for a long time and out of which a great many never emerge. Especially
if their sadhana is mainly in the mental and vital, they have to meet here many difficulties and much danger; only
those who follow scrupulously a strict guidance or have the psychic being prominent in their nature pass easily
as if on a sure and clearly marked road across the intermediate region. A central sincerity, a fundamental humility
also save from much danger and trouble. One can then pass quickly beyond into a clearer Light where if there is
still much mixture, incertitude and struggle, yet the orientation is towards the cosmic Truth and not to a half-illumined
prolongation of Maya and ignorance.
These powers were not blunt with the dead weight of earth,
They gave ambrosia's taste and poison's sting.
There was an ardour in the gaze of Life
They saw heaven blue in the grey air of Night:
The impulses godward soared on passion's wings.