All that is ignorant, obscure, perverted or simply imperfect and inferior in
the being is raised up, perhaps brought
to its acme, dealt with, corrected, exhausted, shown its own disastrous results, compelled to call for its own
cessation or transformation or expelled as worthless or incorrigible from the nature. This cannot be a smooth and
even process; alterations there are of day and night, illumination and darkness, calm and construction or battle
and upheaval, the presence of the growing Divine Consciousness and its absence, heights of hope and abysses of
despair, the clasp of the Beloved and the anguish of its absence, the overwhelming invasion, the compelling deceit,
the fierce opposition, the disabling mockery of hostile Powers or the help and comfort and communion of the gods
and the Divine Messengers. A great and long revolution and churning of the Ocean of Life with strong emergences
of its nectar and its poison is enforced till all is ready and the increasing Descent finds a being, a nature prepared
and conditioned for its complete rule and its all-encompassing presence. But if the equality and the psychic light
and will are also there, then this process, though it cannot be dispensed with, can still be much lightened and
facilitated: it will be rid of its worst dangers; an inner calm, happiness, confidence will support the steps through
all the difficulties and trials of the transformation and the growing Force profiting by the full assent of the
nature will rapidly diminish and eliminate the power of the opposing forces.
We must always go beyond, always renounce the lesser for the greater, the finite for the Infinite; we must be prepared to proceed from illumination to illumination, from experience to experience, from soul-state to soul-state so as to reach the utmost transcendence of the Divine and its utmost universality.
Life was a marvellous journey of the spirit,
Feeling a wave from the universal Bliss.