This preoccupation with life and matter is at the beginning right and necessary
because the first step that man
has to take is to know and possess this physical existence as well as he can by applying his thought and intelligence
to such experience of it as his sense-mind can give to him; but this is only a preliminary step and, if we stop
there, we have made no real progress: we are where we were and have gained only more physical elbow-room to move
about in and more power for our mind to establish a relative knowledge and an insufficient and precarious mastery
and for our life-desire to push things about and jostle and hustle around amid the throng of physical forces and
existences. The utmost widening of a physical objective knowledge, even if it embrace the most distant solar systems
and the deepest layers of the earth and sea and the most subtle powers of material substance and energy, is not
the essential gain for us, not the one thing which it is most needful for us to acquire. That is why the gospel
of materialism, in spite of the dazzling triumphs of physical Science, proves itself always in the end a vain and
helpless creed, and that too is why physical Science itself with all its achievements, though it may accomplish
comfort, can never achieve happiness and fullness of being for the human race. Our true happiness lies in the true
growth of our whole being, in a victory throughout the total range of our existence, in mastery of the inner as
well as and more than the outer, the hidden as well as the overt nature; our true completeness comes not by describing
wider circles on the plane where we began, but by transcendence.
But nothing ever have solved since earth began,
And sciences omnipotent in vain
By which men learn of what the suns are made,
Transform all forms to serve their outward needs,
Ride through the sky and sail beneath the sea,
But learn not what they are or why they came.