The three powers and planes of being, of which we are even at present aware,
form a lower hemisphere of the
manifestation, a hemisphere of Mind, Life and Matter. These are in themselves powers of the superior principles;
but wherever they manifest in a separation from their spiritual sources, they undergo as a result a phenomenal
lapse into a divided in place of the true undivided existence: this lapse, this separation creates a state of limited
knowledge exclusively concentrated on its own limited world-order and oblivious of all that is behind it and of
the underlying unity, a state therefore of cosmic and individual Ignorance.
In the descent into the material plane of which our natural life is a product, the lapse culminates in a total Inconscience out of which an involved Being and Consciousness have to emerge by a gradual evolution. This inevitable evolution first develops, as it is bound to develop, Matter and a material universe; in Matter, Life appears and living physical beings; in Life, Mind manifests and embodied thinking and living beings; in Mind, ever increasing its powers and activities in forms of Matter, the Supermind or Truth-Consciousness must appear, inevitably, by the very force of what is contained in the Inconscience and the necessity in Nature to bring it into manifestation.
Earth wheeled abandoned in the hollow gulfs
Forgetful of her spirit and her fate.
The impassive skies were neutral, empty, still.
Then something in the inscrutable darkness stirred;
A nameless movement, an unthought idea
Insistent, dissatisfied, without an aim,
Something that wished but knew not how to be,
Teased the Inconscient to wake Ignorance.