Money is the visible sign of a universal force, and this force in its manifestation
onearth works on the vital and
physical planes and is indispensable to the fullness of the outer life. In its origin and its true action it belongs
to the Divine. But like other powers of the Divine it is delegated here and in the Ignorance of the lower Nature
can be usurped for the uses of the ego or held by Asuric influences and perverted to their purpose. This is indeed
one of the three forces — power, wealth, sex — that have the strongest attraction for the human ego and the Asura
and are most generally misheld and misused by those who retain them...
You must neither turn with an ascetic shrinking from the money power, the means
it gives and the objects it brings, nor cherish a rajasic attachment to them or a spirit of enslaving self-indulgence
in their gratifications. Regard wealth simply as a power to be won back for the Mother and placed at her service.
All wealth belongs to the Divine and those who hold it are trustees, not possessors. It is with them today, tomorrow
it may be elsewhere. All depends on the way they discharge their trust while it is with them, in what spirit, with
what consciousness in their use of it, to what purpose.
In your personal use of money look on all you have or get or bring as the Mother's. Make no demand but accept what
you receive from her and use it for the purposes for which it is given to you. Be entirely selfless, entirely scrupulous,
exact, careful in detail, a good trustee; always consider that it is her possessions and not your own that you
are handling. On the other hand, what you receive for her, lay religiously before her; turn nothing to your own
or anybody else's purpose.
The future's road is hid from mortal sight:
He moves towards a veiled and secret face.
To light one step in front is all his hope
And only for a little strength he asks
To meet the riddle of his shrouded fate.