We are composed of many parts each of which contributes something to the total
movement of our consciousness, our
thought, will, sensation, feeling, action...
All the parts of the consciousness are like fields into which forces from the same planes of consciousness in the universal Nature are constantly entering or passing.
What the parts of the body correspond to are planes — subtle physical, higher, middle and lower vital, mental. Each plane is in communication with various worlds that belong to it.
The most disconcerting discovery is to find that every part of us — intellect, will, sense-mind, nervous or desire self, the heart, the body — has each, as it were, its own complex individuality and natural formation independent of the rest; it neither agrees with itself nor with the others nor with the representative ego which is the shadow cast by some central and centralising self on our superficial ignorance. We find that we are composed not of one but many personalities and each has its own demands and differing nature. Our being is a roughly constituted chaos into which we have to introduce the principle of a divine order.
In the yoga one becomes aware of the different parts and their proper action, and puts each in its place and to its proper action under the control of the Higher Consciousness or else under the control of the Divine Power. Afterwards all gets charged with the spiritual consciousness and there is an automatic right perception and right action of the different parts because they are controlled entirely from above and do not falsify or resist or confuse its dictates.What the parts of the body correspond to are planes. Every part of us has as it were its own complex individuality and natural formation independent of the rest and these parts of the consciousness are like fields into which forces from the same planes of consciousness in the universal Nature are constantly entering or passing.
He knows not his own greatness nor his aim;
He has forgotten why he has come and whence;
His spirit and his members are at war.