The first calm that comes is of the nature of peace, the absence of all unquiet,
grief and disturbance. As the equality becomes more intense, it takes a fuller substance of positive happiness
and spiritual
The complete self-surrender must be the chief mainstay of the Sadhaka because it is the only way, apart from complete quiesence and indifference to all action, - and that has to be avoided, - by which the absolute calm and peace can come.
The calm established in the whole being must remain the same whatever happens, in health and disease, in pleasure and in pain, in good fortune and misfortune, our own or that of those we love, in success and failure, honour and insult, praise and blame, justice done to us or injustice, everything that ordinarily affects the mind. This is the joy of the spirit in itself, dependent on nothing external for its absolute existence.
O radiant fountain of the world's delight
World-free and unattainable above,
O Bliss who ever dwellst deep hid within
While men seek thee outside and never find,
Mystery and Muse with hieratic tongue,
Incarnate the white passion of thy force,
Mission to earth some living form of thee.