This perception, this sense of a greater Power in us or above and moving us,
is not a hallucination or
a megalomania. Those who thus feel and see have a larger sight than ordinary men and have advanced a step beyond
the limited physical intelligence, but theirs is not the plenary vision or the direct experience. For, because
they are not clear in mind and aware in the soul, because their awakening is more in the vital parts than into
the spiritual substance of Self, they cannot be the conscious instruments of the Divine or come face to face with
the Master, but are used through their fallible and imperfect nature. The most they see of the Divinity is a Fate
or a cosmic Force or else they give his name to a limited Godhead or, worse, to a titanic or demoniac Power that
veils him. Even certain religious founders have erected the image of the God of a sect or a national God or a Power
of terror and punishment or a Numen of sattwic love and mercy and virtue and seem not to have seen the One and
Eternal. The Divine accepts the image they make of him and does his work in them through that medium, but, since
the one Force is felt and acts in their imperfect nature but more intensely than in others, the motive principle
of egoism too can be more intense in them than in others. An exalted rajasic or sattwic ego still holds them and
stands between them and the integral Truth. Even this is something, a beginning, although far from the true and
perfect experience. A much worse thing may befall those who break something of the human bonds but have not purity
and have not the knowledge, for they may become instruments, but not of the Divine; too often, using his name,
they serve unconsciously his masks and black Contraries, the Powers of Darkness.
Assuming names divine they guide and rule.
Opponents of the highest they have come
Out of their world of soulless thought and power
To serve by enmity the cosmic scheme.
Night is their refuge and strategic base.