The physical being of man has always been felt by the seekers of perfection to
be a great impediment and
it has been the habit to turn from it with contempt, denial or aversion and a desire to suppress altogether or
as far as may be the body and the physical life. But this cannot be the right method for the integral Yoga. The
body is given us as one instrument necessary to the totality of our works and it is to be used, not neglected,
hurt, suppressed or abolished. If it is imperfect, recalcitrant, obstinate, so are also the other members, the
vital being, heart and mind and reason. It has like them to be changed and perfected and to undergo a transformation.
As we must get ourselves a new life, new heart, new mind, so we have in a certain sense to build for ourselves
a new body.
The first thing the will has to do with the body is to impose on it progressively a new habit of all its being, consciousness, force and outward and inward action. It must be taught an entire passivity in the hands first of the higher instruments, but eventually in the hands of the spirit and its controlling and informing Shakti. It must be accustomed not to impose its own limits on the nobler members, but to shape its action and its response to their demands, to develop, one might say, a higher notation, a higher scale of responses.
To cast the spirit into physical form,
To lend speech and thought to the Ineffable;
She is pushed to reveal the ever Unmanifest.
I saw them cross the twilight of an age,
The sun-eyed children of a marvellous dawn,
The great creators with wide brows of calm,
The massive barrier-breakers of the world
And wrestlers with destiny in her lists of will,
And labourers in the quarries of the gods,
The messengers of the Incommunicable,
The architects of immortality.