The play of the pranic shakti in the body or form is the condition of all action,
even of the most apparently
inanimate physical action. It is the universal Prana, as the ancients knew, which in various forms sustains or
drives material energy in all physical things from the electron, and atom and gas up through the metal, plant,
animal, physical man. To get this pranic Shakti to act more freely and forcibly in the body is knowingly or unknowingly
the attempt of all who strive for a greater perfection of or in the body. The ordinary man tries to command it
mechanically by physical exercises and other corporal means, the Hathayogin more greatly and flexibly, but still
mechanically by Asana and Pranayama; but for our purpose it can be commanded by more subtle, essential and pliable
means; first, by a will in the mind widely opening itself to and potently calling in the universal pranic Shakti
on which we draw and fixing its stronger presence and more powerful working in the body; secondly, by the will
in the mind opening itself rather to the spirit and its power and calling in higher pranic energy from above, a
supramental pranic force; thirdly, the last step, by the highest supramental will of the spirit entering and taking
up directly the task of the perfection of the body...
Most men are not conscious of this pranic force in the body or cannot distinguish it from the more physical form of energy which it informs and uses for its vehicle. But as the consciousness becomes more subtle by practice of Yoga, we can come to be aware of the sea of pranic Shakti around us, feel it with the mental consciousness, concretely with a mental sense, see its courses and movements, and direct and act upon it immediately by the will. But until we thus become aware of it, we have to possess a working or at least an experimental faith in its presence and in the power of the will to develop a greater command and use of this Prana force.
A mighty Presence still defends thy frame.
Perhaps the heavens guard thee for some great soul,
Thy fate, thy work are kept somewhere afar,
Thy spirit came not down a star alone.