The psychic is the divine element in the individual being and its characteristic
power is to turn everything towards the Divine, to bring a fire of purification, aspiration, devotion, true light of discernment, feeling, will, an action
which transforms by degrees the whole nature. Quietude, peace and silence in the heart and therefore in the vital
part of the being are necessary to reach the psychic, to plunge in it, for the perturbations of the vital nature,
desire, emotion turned ego-wards or world-wards are the main part of the screen that hides the soul from the nature.
It is better, therefore, to be free from the mental constructions when you take the plunge and to have only the
sense of aspiration, of devotion, of self-giving to the Divine.
The psychic being is a spiritual personality put forward by the soul in its evolution; its growth marks the stage which the spiritual evolution of the individual has reached and its immediate possibilities for the future.
Aspiration, constant and sincere, and the will to turn to the Divine alone are the best means to bring forward the psychic.
The soul, the psychic being is in direct touch with the divine Truth, but it is hidden in man by the mind, the vital being and the physical nature. One may practise yoga and get illuminations in the mind and the reason; one may conquer power and luxuriate in all kinds of experiences in the vital; one may establish even surprising physical Siddhis; but if the true soul-power behind does not manifest, if the psychic nature does not come into the front, nothing genuine has been done. In this yoga the psychic being is that which opens the rest of the nature to the true supramental light and finally to the supreme Ananda.
But once the hidden doors are flung apart
Then the veiled king steps out in Nature's front;
A Light comes down into the ignorance,
Its heavy painful knot loosens its grasp:
The mind becomes a mastered instrument
And life a hue and figure of the soul.