Is the throwing out of all that is not the true Truth of the Divine.
Detect first what is false or obscure in you and persistently reject it, then
alone can you rightly call for the Divine Power to transform you.
Two rules alone there are that will diminish the difficulty and obviate the danger. One must reject all that comes
from the ego, from vital desire, from the mere mind and its presumptuous reasoning incompetence, all that ministers
to these agents of the Ignorance. One must learn to hear and follow the voice of the inmost soul, the direction
of the Guru, the command of the Master, the working of the Divine Mother. Whoever clings to the desires and weaknesses
of the flesh, the cravings and passions of the vital in its turbulent ignorance, the dictates of his personal mind
unsilenced and unillumined by a greater knowledge, cannot find the true inner law and is heaping obstacles in the
way of the divine fulfilment. Whoever is able to detect and renounce these obscuring agencies and to discern and
follow the true Guide within and without will discover the spiritual law and reach the goal of Yoga.
Do not imagine that truth and falsehood, light and darkness, surrender and selfishness can be allowed to dwell together in the house consecrated to the Divine. The transformation must be integral, and integral therefore the rejection of all that withstands it.
All that denies must be torn out and slain
And crushed the many longings for whose sake
We lose the One for whom our lives were made.