The will to enjoy is proper to the vital being but not the choice or reaching
after the enjoyment which must be determined and acquired by higher functionings; therefore the vital being must be trained to accept whatever gain
or enjoyment comes to it in the right functioning of the life in obedience to the working of the divine Will and
to rid itself of craving and attachment. Similarly the heart must be freed from subjection to the cravings of the
life-principle and the senses and thus rid itself of the false emotions of fear, wrath, hatred, lust, etc. which
constitute the chief impurity of the heart. The will to love is proper to the heart, but here also the choice and
reaching after love have to be foregone or tranquillised and the heart taught to love with depth and intensity
indeed, but with a calm depth and a settled and equal, not a troubled and disordered intensity. The tranquillisation
and mastery of these members is a first condition for the immunity of the understanding from error, ignorance and
Leave not thy goal to follow a beautiful face.
Only when thou hast climbed above thy mind
And liv'st in the calm vastness of the One
Can love be eternal in the eternal bliss
And Love divine replace the human tie.